How Long Does It Take To Build A Website Like Airbnb?

4 min readApr 13, 2022


Staying for rent in a house other than staying in a hotel has become a prodigious trend for expeditors. This model of business innovation has attracted millions just because of Airbnb, a peer-to-peer marketplace that coordinated travelers with property owners. So every enterprise is interested in building a website like Airbnb. The most important thing when thinking about developing a website like Airbnb is to learn about its business model. This model allows the rental website owners to connect the sellers and the buyers and make money.

How to Build a Website Like Airbnb?

  • Choose the solution type

Basically, you can develop such a platform with the assistance of two options such as choosing a ready-made solution or choosing custom development. Both these options have their own benefits and negatives that entirely depend on users’ needs and preferences.

  • Choose the technology stack to build a website like Airbnb

The technology that is used to develop such a platform plays a crucial role. Predominantly, it has a great impact on the budget because each tool has its own level of complexity and hence it directly influences the budget. Secondly, it makes a drastic difference in product scalability and the time required for the development.

  • Define the functionality required for a rental marketplace

When you have decided to develop a website like Airbnb, you should be capable of distinguishing between the essential features and the additional features. As the Airbnb marketplace should have the authorization for two parties( travelers and hosts) the features needed for them are also different.

  • Build a rental marketplace with a minimum viable product

Instead of creating a fully functional product at the initial stage, it is always advisable to build a marketplace first. This approach will tremendously save time and budget. At the same time, you will get valuable feedback from the audience that will enormously help you to validate your idea.

  • Follow common marketplace design principles

It is not essential to give importance to the design of a website like Airbnb at the initial stage. At first, prominence should be given to conversions and functionality aspects. However, at a later stage, proper significance should be given to design also as it is the first thing you see when visiting the Airbnb website. This way you can receive your customer’s initial impression, and consequently, further purchases entirely depend on this crucial aspect.

Core Features of an Airbnb Marketplace

  • Authorization

It means both the travelers as well as the hosts must sign up and should be provided with their names and email addresses to start using the platform. It is almost exactly the same as signing up for a social media platform. A social media login feature is essential for a website like Airbnb as users prefer to log in quickly through their Google or Facebook accounts instead of filling out long sign-up forms.

  • Host Listing Page

This is the page that is essentially required for the host as he/she is the one who needs to list their property on the website. With searching and sorting, hosts can update information across multiple listings at once.

  • Accommodation Search

This is exclusively for travelers as it helps to select the accommodation based on /her preferences. He can search the location using convenient search functionality, intuitive filtering, and simple cards.

  • Geolocation

This feature provides a map that allows travelers to locate the needed destinations which add to the website’s convenience.

  • Accommodation View

This is an enthralling feature that allows the users to get a detailed description of the accommodation that he/she has chosen. There will be multiple images to let the travelers see the space from different angles with all the details.

  • Payments

A payment gateway handles all transactions between travelers and hosts. This feature permits the travelers to pay for rentals using credit/debit cards or PayPal and allows hosts to withdraw their money effortlessly

Time Required to Develop a Website Like Airbnb

As we come across the procedures that need to be followed while creating an app like Airbnb, we can anticipate the time required to develop one. However, no Airbnb website can be developed fully without less than six months as there are a lot of crucial steps to follow while implementing one. Basically, six months is the least time needed for the development of a website like Airbnb and the time taken will increase according to the user’s requirements and customizations.

The app must be easily accessible after the registration of the user. Hence, it is important to provide them with certain undeniable options like logins with email. Google accounts, and Facebook accounts. And surprisingly, each integration will take approximately eight hours to get completed.


The fact is that an app like Airbnb has an average MVP of 1150 hours. Back-end development is also an important consideration. For an iOS Airbnb -like the app, the server part creation would take 300 hours, and the same process is carried out for Android also.

To build a website like Airbnb you can consult with RentCubo

